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Canada Parents and Grandparents program (PGP)

The Parent and Grandparents Program (PGP) of Canada allows the Canadian citizens and Permanent Residents (PRs) to sponsor their parents and grandparents to live in Canada. In short, the PGP allows parents/grandparents sponsored by Canadians to arrive in Canada on PR (Permanent Residence) visa. Hence, it is one of the best programs to obtain Parents PR Canada. 

Parents and Grandparents Program process

Canadian government every year invites the Interest to sponsor form, from the potential sponsors as per the annual quota of Canada Parent and Grandparents Program (PGP).

To sponsor your parents/grandparents, you need to submit the interest to sponsor. Subsequently, the IRCC (Immigration Refugees and Citizenship Canada) randomly select sponsors from the selected forms and issue them Invitation to Apply (ITA) for the PGP. If you have received the ITA for PGP, you can submit the application to sponsor your parents and grandparents to become permanent residents of Canada.

Submit two applications

Once you have received the invitation for PGP, you need to submit2 applications for the parents visa Canada, i.e.

  • the sponsorship application and
  • the permanent residence application

The first application you need to submit to sponsor your parents, while the second application, i.e. the permanent residency application your parents need to submit to apply for the PR (Permanent Residence) visa.

Submit both the applications together online at the same time. You need to submit your application within 60 days of the date of your invitation. The deadline is clearly mentioned on your invitation to apply letter. Those who didn’t get the ITA for the PGP, also has the option to apply for parent and grandparent super visa Canada.

Also read-Eligibility criteria to apply for Parents and Grandparents super visa

Who is eligible to sponsor a parent or grandparent

Before applying to PGP, you must check how much money you need to sponsor your parents and grandparents. You will have to prove your mentioned income in your application.

You can sponsor your own parents and grandparents if,

  • you have received invitation to apply
  • you are minimum 18 years old
  • you live in Canada
  • you are a Canadian citizen, a permanent resident of Canada, or a person registered in Canada as an Indian under the Canadian Indian Act
  • you have sufficient funds to support the people you want to sponsor
    • to demonstrate that you have sufficient funds, you’ll have to provide your proof of income
    • you may have a spouse or common-law partner co-sign to combine your incomes
  • you fulfil all other requirements under the Immigration and Refugee Protection Act and the Immigration and Refugee Protection Regulations

What is the Fees for Parent and Grandparents Program (PGP)?

To sponsor a parent or grandparent, you need to pay a fee from $1,050

What is the processing time Parent and Grandparents Program?

The processing time Parent and Grandparents Program is approximately 20 to 24 months. Please note that the persons you sponsor may require giving biometrics after they apply. Therefore, this processing time includes the time they need to give their biometrics.

How much income do I need to sponsor my parents and grandparents?

You, the sponsor (and your co-signer, if any) must show a poof that you have sufficient income to support all the people you will be financially accountable (includes yourself) for once you become a sponsor.

If you receive the invitation to apply, you will have to provide a proof that you fulfil the income requirements for each of the three tax years before the date you apply. The IRCC cannot assess whether you fulfil the income requirements until you apply (if you are invited).

Note: For the 2021 Parents and Grandparents program, the IRCC shall assess sponsors on their income for tax years 2020, 2019 and 2018.

The below table applies to you if you live in any Canadian province except Quebec.(If you live in Quebec, the Quebec ministry in charge of immigration will assess your income.)

Note: The table below updated as of May 13, 2021. This update shall not affect any of the parents and grandparents applications submitted.

Income required for three tax years right before the day you apply (sponsors applying in 2021)

Total number of people you’ll be responsible for




2 people




3 people




4 people




5 people




6 people




7 people




If more than 7 people, for each additional person, add:




(Note: Since several sponsors may have been affected financially by the recent COVID-19 pandemic, the income requirement for the 2020 tax year has been reduced to the minimum essential income, instead of the minimum necessary income plus 30 %.)

Moreover, family class sponsors can also count a few benefits, i.e. employment insurance benefits, emergency response benefits, Covid-19 related benefits, etc. in their income calculations for the 2020 tax year:

This does not affect the income requirements for the 2019 and 2018 tax years.

To get the further clarification about PGP, parent and grandparent super visa or to apply for relevant visa in Canada this year, you may contact Visas Avenue Canada Migration Expert on Toll-Free-Number- 78-18-000-777. Alternatively, you can drop us an e-mail at

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