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Newfoundland & Labrador in-demand occupations List

The below given Newfoundland & Labrador in-demand occupation list occupations are exempt from provincial labor market testing processes, i.e. the Job Vacancy Assessment and Atlantic Immigration Program labor market testing requirements, i.e. advertising.

The applicants of the new immigration program, i.e. Priority Skills NL need to have work experience in any of the occupations listed in the following NL in-demand occupation list.

The below occupation list is subject to change periodically.

In-demand Health Care sector occupations for public and private healthcare providers:


  • Family Medicine; Psychiatry; Pathology; General Internal Medicine; Radiology; Obstetrics and Gynecology; Anesthesia; Pediatric Intensivists (PICU); Neonatologists (NICU); Pathology (Hemopathology)

Nurse Practitioner (NP)

Licensed Practical Nurse (LPN)

Personal Care Attendant (PCA)

Clinical Psychologist

Medical Physicist

Radiation Therapist


In-demand Information and Communications Technology (ICT) sector occupations:

Engineers and Developers

Software Developer

Biomedical Engineer

UI/UX Developer

Electrical Engineer

AI Developer

Mechanical Engineer

Python Developer

Web Developer

.NET Developer

Infrastructure Engineer

Technical Specialists

Security Specialist

Cloud Specialist


Computer Network Support

Research Associate

Data Analytics

Offshore Technician

ROV Operator

Ocean Mapping Specialist

Technical Writer

In-demand aquaculture sector occupations:

Captain (FM4 certification required)

Farming and Feeding Manager

Facility Technician

Assistant Manager

Cage Site Technician

Site Manager (with water quality expertise)

Area Manager

Hence, to confirm the latest status of the list or to apply for Canada PR through the most relevant immigration program, you may contact Visas Avenue certified Canada immigration expert on Toll-Free No. 78-18-000-777 or you can drop us an e-mail at

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