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In-country Special Humanitarian visa (subclass 201)

How apply for In-Country Special Humanitarian Visa Subclass 201?

This visa is for the individuals living in their home country and are subject to persecution in their home country and face an immediate threat to their life or personal security. However, they have not been able to leave that country to seek refuge elsewhere.

Requisites of the Visa:-

  • It would help if you were living in your home country and are persecuted there.
  • You have not been able to leave that country to seek refuge elsewhere.
  • It would help if you held good moral and health character.
  • You should not be having any outstanding debts to the Australian government or must have arrangements to pay the same, if any.

Privileges of the Visa:-

  • Provides you with the right to live in Australia indefinitely.
  • An applicant can work in Australia during your stay.
  • An applicant can enrol in Medicare, Australia’s scheme for health-related care and expenses.
  • Allows you to apply for citizenship if you meet certain requirements.
  • Allows you to move to and fro for five years starting from the day visa is granted.
  • You can sponsor your relatives for permanent residency.
  • Can get enrolment in English classes

How much the visa costs:-

  • In-country Special Humanitarian visa (subclass 201)-Nil (Base Application Charge)
  • Additional Applicant Charge 18 and over-Nil
  • Additional Applicant Charge 18 and under-Nil

Additional charges:-

  • Medical Examination:-To be paid directly to the doctor conducting a medical examination
  • Police check:-To the corresponding authorities in the respective countries where you have lived for more than 6/12 months, depending on the visa subclass
  • Certification/Translation of Docs-Depending on the certifying person and number of copies to be certified

If you seek documentation assistance for Australia PR Visa, you may contact Visas Avenue immigration expert on Toll-Free Number- 78-18-000-777. Alternatively, e-mail your queries to

Disclaimer: Visas Avenue does not deal with any type of job or job assistance services. Visas Avenue is not a job recruitment agent or job service provider. Visas Avenue does not offer consultancy on / overseas jobs/work permits/international or domestic placements.


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